Throughout the Greater Las Vegas, NV area, Direct Carpet Cleaners provides an assortment of services, such as carpet stretching and extending them to the residential and commercial customers in the community. To offer confidence in our abilities, Direct Carpet Cleaners is prepared to show our credentials like licensing and insurance. Direct Carpet Cleaners professionals have the formal training, ongoing education, experience, and skills to complete any service we offer. With friendly customer service, professional ethics, and superior results on a consistent basis.
How to Stretch Carpet
Direct Carpet Cleaners carpet stretching services, basically, reinstalls the carpet using a power stretcher that is on a pole system along with specialized equipment that applies quite a bit of force to ensure the carpet is stretched up to 8 different directions under tension. With tack strips the tension helps reattach the carpet securely. The excess is trimmed and tucked along the perimeter of the room.
Carpet Wrinkles, Ripples & Bulges are a Trip Hazard
Because your Las Vegas desert’s home or business’s carpet was improperly installed, or perhaps heavy furniture was dragged over the carpet; buckling and wrinkling can occur. Carpet stretching is an affordable solution, however, there are factors that might be contribute to the overall cost. With an estimate, Direct Carpet Cleaners can give you a better idea on the carpet that needs to be stretched. The carpet wrinkles and other issues are more than a blemish in the room. They can prove to be dangerous as a tripping hazard. Before anyone gets hurt in your home or business, and is a liability, call Direct Carpet Cleaners to let our professionals stretch the carpets and iron out the ripples and wrinkles.
Carpet Stretching & More in Las Vegas, Summerlin, North LV & Henderson Nevada
Call Direct Carpet Cleaners for carpet cleaning, stretching repairs and other quality services such as floor and upholstery cleaning.